As we progress into the future, we commit ourselves to being part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We are targeting 2 out of the 17 interlinked goals that are designed to be the “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.

The first goal targeted is the 3rd goal which is “good health and well-being” through promoting initiatives that accelerate progress in many health areas continuously. As part of our programs and events, we raise awareness on health and wellness being essential parts of our livelihoods and wellbeing. We strive to ripple this message to every community we reach out to.

Secondly, we are targeting the 8th goal, namely “decent work and economic growth”. Our efforts include partnering with spa establishments, providing expertise to support their business development and guaranteeing employment for our graduates with partnering spas.

For more information about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), head over to: